
Courtesy Parmer Medical Center
Release Date: April 30, 2014
Celebrating National Medical Laboratory Professional's Week
This was a week to celebrate staff and educate others on the importance of the laboratory professional’s role. The laboratory’s task is separating the normal from the abnormal, finding unexpected values, and putting it all in the hands of those making treatment decisions. Laboratory results contribute to 70% of all medical decisions.
In addition to activities related to laboratory topics, the lab department sponsored a Snack Pack 4 kids, Pop tart and peanut butter drive. A total of 65 boxes of Pop Tarts, 36 jars of peanut butter and $230 was collected for Snack Pack 4 kids. The lab also cooked an appreciation breakfast for all PMC staff to say “Thank You”.

Lab Director Tonya Lookingbill and Leah Onod are pictured here with some of the Snack Pack for kids donations.

Pictured above are PMC lab staff. From left to right are Tonya Lookingbill, Lab Manager, Leah Onod, Sunette Lawas, and Joyce Kube. The cakes were made by various hospital departments and all featured a “lab” theme.