How to Help

Gifts and Donations
In Memoriam
Anyone who would like to make a gift in memoriam of a loved one may contact:
Heidi Eichenauer
Director of Business Development
806.250.2754 ext. 174
(or outside Friona) @ 1.800.525.2754 ext. 174
Mon. thru Fri., 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Hospital Auxiliary

The hospital auxiliary at Parmer Medical Center is an active group of volunteers who assist the hospital in numerous ways throughout the year. As active “greeters”, the auxiliary assists the staff in making patients and visitors feel welcome at PMC. Directing individuals to the proper location for registration, treatment or visitation is the primary function of our greeters.
The auxiliary also helps the hospital maintain their supply of patient care items for both acute and swing bed patients. The annual Christmas Card Project and sales of their recent cook-book has allowed the volunteers to raise funds for needed equipment items. The auxiliary is active in preparing Vials of Life that are distributed throughout the county.
Honoring the physicians and staff by celebrating National Doctor’s Day and National Hospital Week are other ways the auxiliary supports the hospital. The auxiliary meets at 2:00 pm the second Tuesday of every even month. Meetings are held at the hospital’s conference room. Everyone is encouraged to join.
For more information contact:
Donna Schueler