Courtesy Parmer Medical Center
Release Date: April 3, 2012
PMC Employee Dinner
Parmer Medical Center had its annual Employee Appreciation Dinner at the Hereford Country Club on Friday, March 23, 2012. Service awards were presented and the 2011 Broom Award winner was announced.
Service awards were presented to Shonda Adams, Coder, Becky Landrum, Administrative Secretary, Jessica Ortiz, Business Office Director, and Tina Soto, Dietary Director for five years of service. Jesse Onod, Radiology Technician was recognized for ten years and Delia Jackson was recognized for fifteen years of service.
The PMC Board of Directors was also recognized for their continued service to the hospital and the community. Recognized was Robert Neelley for 10 years, Bret Whitten, D.V.M. for 13 years, Danny Kendrick and Dale Schueler, D.V.M. for 24 years, and Dennis Anthony for 26 year.
In recognition of outstanding employee for 2011, the hospital continued to use their service excellence theme and awarded the annual “Broom Award” at the dinner. The recipient was Stephanie Williams, Human Resource and Benefits Coordinator. The broom award follows the hospitals commitment to excellence. The broom campaign was inspired by Dr. Martin Luther King who stated, “If a man is called to be a street sweeper, he should sweet streets even as Michelangelo painted, or Beethoven composed music or Shakespeare wrote poetry. He should sweet streets so well that all the hosts of heaven and earth will pause to say, ‘Here lived a great street sweeper who did his job well.” The hospital’s philosophy is to expect excellence of themselves and to ask the community to hold the hospital to that same standard.
Stephanie previously worked in the pharmacy at PMC and recently transitioned to her current role. She is the type of person who is always trying to find better ways to serve our patients. She has a desire to “get it right” and a determination to learn all she can. In addition to “living the PMC Oath of Excellence”, she encourages others to “live the Oath” as well.
Parmer Medical Center is very proud to recognize each of these individuals.