
Courtesy Parmer Medical Center
Release Date: March 28, 2011
2011 Parmer Medical Center Employee Appreciation Dinner
Parmer Medical Center had its annual Employee Appreciation Dinner at the Hereford Country Club on Friday, March 18, 2011. Service awards were presented and winners of the hospital’s performance improvement contest and the 2010 Broom Award winners were announced.
Service awards were presented to Elvira Salinas, Housekeeper and Heidi Eichenauer, Director of Business Development and Human Resources for five years; Carla Moser, Insurance Clerk and Donna Ratke, Pharmacist for ten years; and Glendora Jordan, RN and Rhonda Wilkins, Director of Swing Bed and Regulatory Compliance for fifteen years.
Winners of an eight month contest open to all staff focusing on performance improvement were Teresa Hansard and Amber Bonds. There were ninety-eight submissions over the eight month period of the contest.
In recognition of outstanding employees for 2010, the hospital used their service excellence theme and awarded two “Broom Awards” at the dinner. Honorees were Dawna Campos and Marci Castillo. The broom award follows the hospitals commitment to excellence. The broom campaign was inspired by Dr. Martin Luther King who stated, “If a man is called to be a street sweeper, he should sweet streets even as Michelangelo painted, or Beethoven composed music or Shakespeare wrote poetry. He should sweet streets so well that all the hosts of heaven and earth will pause to say, ‘Here lived a great street sweeper who did his job well.” The hospital’s philosophy is to expect excellence of themselves and to ask the community to hold the hospital to that same standard.
Dawna Campos, Broom Award recieient, has been an employee since March of 2010. Dawna is an Admissions Clerk and is known to be friendly, kind, considerate and caring to every patient she comes in contact with. She is eager to learn new jobs and new ways to improve the effectiveness of PMC systems.
Hired in December of 2009, Marci Castillo, Medical Records Director, was also recognized with a Broom Award. Marci is very giving and always ready to help those who need her assistance. She has a supportive spirit and works well with other departments and staff. She is very willing to share her vast knowledge base with others in the attempts to improve PMC systems and processes.
Parmer Medical Center is very proud to recognize these two ladies as stellar employees.

Pictured L-R: Carla Moser, Rhonda Wilkins, Glendora Jordan and Heidi Eichenauer.

Pictured L-R: Marci Castillo and Dawna Campos.

Pictured L-R: Lance Gatlin, Administrator with Theresa Hansard, Accounting Assistant.

Pictured L-R: Lance Gatlin, Administrator with Amber Bonds, Director of Imaging.