Courtesy Parmer Medical Center
Release Date: Jan. 30, 2012
Cardiac Clinic opens at hospital
Parmer Medical Center is pleased to announce that a specialty clinic in cardiology is now open. Services are provided by Suresh Neelagaru, M.D., a board certified cardiologist. Dr. Neelagaru offers cardiology services to patients aged 15 and older.
He will be providing echocardiograms, EKGs, holter monitors and pre-treatment consultations and post-treatment follow-up visits at PMC. Some of the wide range of treatments and services he provides in his Amarillo office includes pacemakers, defibrillation, hearth caths, cardiomyopathy and more. He will be providing clinics monthly and appointments can be made by a referral from your primary care physician or by calling Dr. Neelagaru’s office at 806 352-9090 for a self-referral.
The cardiology clinic is an addition to the other clinics already offered at PMC, including sports medicine and orthopedics, gastroenterology and hepatology, and gyncology.
For more information on this new service or any of the other existing clinics, contact Amber Bonds at 806 250-2754.